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Valentine's Day

As I was drafting a mail in office today, I realised that Valentine day is just around the corner. I felt nostalgic for sometime wondering about how the meaning has changed over the last 20 years.

The very early memory is of having heart shape Ice-cream then launched by Dinshaws Ice-cream for valentine’s day specially. One of my uncles surprised all our kids gang that valentine's day with this Ice-cream. I was in school at that time and from that year onward till date it has been a ritual to eat Ice-cream on this day.During college days ,“Dil Toh Pagal hain" movie was released and it gave special meaning to this day. This movie made me and I guess many people of our generation believe in the philosophy of someone special is made for each one of us somewhere on this planet. I remember Archies gallery (popular gift shop brand) being flooded with gifts, cards, soft toys, everything mostly in red for this day and friends saving throughout the year to buy gifts for special ones.We had some peculiar areas and restaurants in our city frequented by youngsters on this day. So much vibrant and colourful feeling that used to be. All youngsters having fun with friends and loved ones. I have always been in love with the feeling of being in love, all thanks to YRF and SRK movies and when I met my life partner, Valentine day gave me an extra reason to celebrate.

I feel Love is the most beautiful and precious feeling in this world. Love gives a purpose to our existence. Love is the only feeling which is so pure and infinite. There are no parameters and it is beyond words to be defined. It is the only feeling which makes us feel weak and strong at the same time. There is acceptance and understanding. There is care and concern.

I have come to realise that we have so many relationships other than family which grow just out of human connect, care and affection. Such relations are to be cherished for making our life beautiful and which we need to celebrate if possible everyday.Relationships which build us, nourish us, cheer us. People who mould our personalities. Relations which are there to support us unconditionally and without any strings attached. People who care for us, who are there to share our moments of joy and pain, who toil for making us happy and comfortable. In our illness, during our tough times people who make it a point to check on us every now and then just out of concern. People who encourage, motivate and support us, who strengthen us emotionally and mentally. If we see around, we have so many people who are real blessings in life.

In routine life, we may not necessarily get a chance to acknowledge their presence and importance in life. It is days like valentine’s day, friendship day, birthdays that can be a great opportunity to extend gratitude to all such valued and less celebrated relations which fill our moments with warmth and affection. Just taking out some moments to recognise and appreciate the contribution such people make in our life.

Celebrate Love, Celebrate Relations, Celebrate Life!!!

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