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When I came across the story of Sindhutai Sapkal, affectionately known as the "Mother of Orphans",I was moved beyond words. She had to go through terrible times in early years of her life and had to resort to begging for keeping her daughter alive. In the process she realised that there were so many children abandoned by their parents and she adopted them as her own. She started begging for one and all. She became mother of all. As of today, she has nurtured over 1400 orphaned children. She has given motherhood a different perspective.

Motherhood is a beautiful journey which is a unique experience beyond words. Right from the time, first signal of new addition is received life changes every second for a mother. It is a roller coaster ride where emotions are always on high low mode. Being a mother is quintessential for perpetual human existence. The first touch of baby, the first sound of baby crying gives a new lease of life to every mother who has been through gruelling pain. It is the feeling of creation that gives happiness which is relived every moment for the rest of life.

Motherhood is culmination of responsibility, happiness, joy, forgiveness, sacrifices and infinite pure love. It is you before me in this relation always. Every thing revolves around the baby. Life takes new twists and turns to adhere to the responsibilities getting attached to this role. All dreams, aspirations, plans get redefined after being a mother. Nurturing and protecting the child comes so naturally to every woman. It is a role not limited to just feeding and taking care but building character and all-round personality. It is endless efforts which need no recognition. The physical cord gets cut in a second post birth, but the emotional bond stays forever strong. Whether a homemaker or a career pursuing mother all try their level best to give all the happiness ,comfort and values to the child. They try to strike a balance between all roles -wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister 24*7. But it is the mother’s role that assumes priority every time.

The beauty of this relation is a mother gets to live her childhood again. It is revisiting those beautiful times of innocence and carefree playing. Its a breezer in the daily chaos. It is a process of growing up again with altogether new understanding. Its pure, its without expectations and its extension of our own. Mother gets to see her our own reflection through kids. Motherhood is one relation which remains constant and strong over any period of time and distance.

Women like Sindhutai, Mother Teressa or for that matter teachers at school, caretakers at day-care or nanny at home prove that every woman can be a mother without giving birth too. It is a natural instinct and the Almighty’s most valuable gift. Mothers love can create a difference in lives of thousands. The warmth and affection of mother makes every child feel protected and to be in a comfort zone. The fear of being judged is absent is this relation. Every child is dear and near. This strengthens emotionally the child which becomes the foundation for living a meaningful and enriched life.

Its rightly said, “Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.”


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