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Wished something more interesting..

I was watching interview of Twinkle khanna by Anupama Chopra.I have always liked her column in national daily and witty answers and this interview was about her book "Pyjamas Are Forgiving".

I immediately downloaded the book anticipating story of character who will be witty, intelligent and sensible enough.

On the contrary the book turned about to be about a woman who is seeking out help in form of detox program to overcome her sleep issues. How she finds it difficult to get over her past and how she seeks support now and then from her sister. The entire 28 days programme has been detailed and I found it really boring at some point. There are multiple characters none of which come out strong and memorable. I wonder why modern writers have to include physical intimacy and related issues now and then to make story relevant for today's time.

Single women may be having lot of emotional issues but it's a fact that all women do. Insecurities, possessiveness, jealously are traits of human beings and it's where our intellect has a role to play.

I somehow failed to connect the title with the story. I finished the book in one go and at the end I felt somewhat relieved that the book was over. I always have some special pointers from each book I read but sadly there was nothing which I could take away from this book.


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