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Hope Wins!

“Never lose hope, my heart, miracles dwell in the invisible”-Rumi

Like many Indians, I too have grown up listening to and reading stories of Ramayana, Mahabharata and great Saints. I have always believed in these stories. Prima facie these stories are about victory of good over evil. But in depth they deal with lot of human virtues like ambition, jealousy, love, commitment, sacrifice, courage, devotion, faith, belief and last but not the least hope. For me power of faith,belief and hope are the most crucial aspects of these stories. For e.g. faith that a Raghuvanshi will freed Devi Ahilya from curse, belief that Ram would rescue Sita from Ravan’s captivity, hope of Devaki and Vasudev in prison, faith of Prahalad, faith of Draupadi in Shri Krishna, belief of Pandavas winning the war and hope of reinstating Dharma, stories of miracles in life of devotees of Sai baba, Swami Samarth and so on.

If we see world history, human race has fought against all the atrocities and calamities only through hope and strong will to survive. Be it world war II, Holocaust, Tsunami, 9/11 or 26/11. We human beings have sustained and evolved over centuries because of hope and belief that we can.

Hope is the virtue that motivates a woman to conceive and carry baby in womb for 9 months against all odds. Just think how much she has to suffer in the process of safeguarding her baby and herself during this period. But she manages everything comfortably visualising beautiful future with sweet baby in arms. She is able to tolerate the excruciating pain of delivering because of the hope and belief in nature and herself that she can.

A cat delivered two kittens in our compound recently. It is being said she changes 9 homes with her little ones, just to keep them safe. I could see her carrying them in her mouth, feeding them and protecting them from slightest of danger. Everyday the mother was in a fighting mode to keep kittens alive. Within few days the kittens seemed to be independent playing and searching for food on their own. Nature has given power of survival and fight to all. We just need to believe in the power operating around.

In current scenario, everybody is gripped with fear. Dark clouds of uncertainty, anxiety, depression seem to have engulfed all the positivity. I myself have these pangs of fear and anxiety on and off. "What if ”,"what next", these questions seem to have gripped many of us. Feeling of loneliness, helplessness, financial uncertainty have dampened spirits of many. The question that is this ordeal unending, keeps on lingering.

So much has changed in last two months. But if we observe , what has not changed is nature. Sun, moon ,stars,trees, flowers, birds are all same around.Everyday I wake up and see the bright Sun rays giving a light of hope for the new day.Any amount of fear cannot shoo away the pandemic. We all are taking necessary care and precautions. It is our care and awareness that can ultimately help us to come out of this calamity. We all need to replace our fear with hope. I know it is very easy to say than done. But atleast we can try. Whenever we feel fear gripping us,we need to consciously shift our focus to something that will comfort us like listening to a song we love,cooking our favorite dish,watching a good film or just talking with someone who motivates us. Fear weakens our immunity whereas positivity empowers us to withstand any problem.

It is rightly said, “Har Mushkil ka hal hota hain, aaj nahin toh kal hota hain”. No problem is permanent in life. This may seem to stay here for long but our hope will motivate us to find a solution soon. We need to be patient and keep on doing what is best possible in current situation. Our optimism will be tested time and again but the more composed we are the longer we will be able to sustain. We have to believe that we can change these depressing times into happy cheerful times soon. Power of visualisation plays an important role in shaping our future. We need to believe in healthy and beautiful life and visualise accordingly on and off. Taking each day as it comes in the company of our loved ones, spending it productively and in best possible manner is in our control.We need to build hope and share feelings of warmth and care with people around us.Maintaining emotional and mental well being is crucial.

I have always believed in power of prayer. Prayers change energy levels around. Collective prayers can enhance the positive energies and help us to fight against all odds in life. Hope that everything will be fine soon, Faith that Almighty is there to look after our well being and Prayers for peace and strength ,together can all work wonders and help us sail through this difficult time. The Supreme power who has brought us on this plane is here to safeguard and see us grow in best possible manner. Need is to believe and keep strong hopes for a beautiful tomorrow.


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