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Jai Shri Krishna

Looking royal in yellow, blue, red any colour he wears,

Beauty enhanced by the peacock's feather in his interesting headgear,

Loving eyes and enlightened face,

Beyond words is Lord Shri Krishna's grace.

Mesmerizing with the tunes on his flute,

Sometimes innocent, sometimes astute,

He shows how to love and express without being bound,

By the traditions and customs around.

Playing different roles with so much ease,

Epitome of care and commitment which never cease,

Friend and saviour of all,

Who answers diligently every sincere call.

Be courageous but never do any intentional harm,

He shows how to be victorious and righteous without losing our calm,

Enlightening the human race for living a purposeful life,

To find peace and happiness in every strife.

In life, however grim the situation may seem,

We are always in His realm,

Shri Krishna is always with us around,

His love and blessings encompass everything from Heaven to ground.


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