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Watching Rohit Sharma and Virat kohli after the world cup finale was truly heartbreaking. The pain in their eyes was clear indication of something breaking inside.All words seem to lose power in front of their struggle.

There are N number of posts consoling and supporting them but are such posts enough.They are sportsmen and know wins and losses are part of process .But being said so is it so easy for all who have been part of that process?

From childhood whenever we get hurt by someone or something people around us say forget it , move ahead, better luck next next time,try again and so on.But how many times has it happened that someone asked are you ok,how are you coping up,is it hurting too much or just gave a tight hug in a moment of distress.

Sometimes life events hit hard,harder then people around can imagine..Only heart knows how painful it is.We try to hide pain or get over the situation just trying not to disturb people or conditions around us.

How important is healing in such situations..those scars remain and pain too unless healed properly.I was listening to Chef Vikas Khannas interview podcast with Ranveer .He narrates how someone had advised him to protect his heart and that touched me immensely.

Since childhood we are trained to protect our body parts from accidents, injuries and wounds.Also how to heal wounds is we have learnt many times since childhood. Are we trained the same way to protect our heart or to heal our emotional hurt after injury.

It is in recent times that depression,trauma,healing are being spoken and discussed about.

With the growing complexities ,changed perspectives and new struggles, relationships are no longer same. Every relationship has its own dynamics.We need to be better equipped emotionally and mentally to face new age challenges.We need to protect our heart to sustain pressures.We all need to be trained to immune ourselves from painful circumstances. In some ,that trait is natural..They can shut down naturally internally.But some are excessively sensitive and tend to expose themselves to pain more.

Need is to be aware and sensitive about emotional well being.Many times physical wounds heal but internal trauma continues making one weak and vulnerable. Need is to have a conversation and expression of any pain openly acknowledging that our heart and mind still needs time to cope up.Kids,teenagers,adults, may be any age group but acknowledging and healing is essential.Also it is essential to recognise that every individual is different and so is the reaction ,response and recovery time.

Any recovery process is much faster and healthier when internal wounds are addressed and caressed. So much help is available to get over emotional hurt only if one is ready to talk about it and recognises the need about it.If one is unable to recognise this, loved ones around need to come forward and address the issue and help to resolve .Love is not only about caring and sharing but also about compassion and being there with patience.

Thus very important is PH..Protect and Heal

To prevent bitterness ,sorrow from entering our minds and to help us be happy,healthy and peaceful in long run.


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