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Ae Data hain Mushkil

Over the past decade I have been associated with corporates for MIS work .The work is primarily providing timely summarised information mostly daily and then detailed analysis for management's decision making.This involves a lot of communication and coordination with employees at all levels and locations.I am amazed that employees across all organizations show more or less the same traits while providing the requisite information. In some organisation he may be Ram , in another he may be Shyam but their behavior remains so predictable.

Broadly I have been able to make out following categories

Efficient: The ones who provide accurate information as per schedule .No followup is required , infact they call up to check whether everything is fine.

Procastinators: The ones who keep postponing. They have details but for some or other the reason hoard it and one has to patiently wait for them to respond just doing followup diligently.

Confused:These employees have all information but are confused what to provide and what not .They keep on calling and asking same set of questions periodically for same report.

Experienced: These have been in the organisation for the longest time and know the history geography in totality.They are aware and sharp.Only problem is they divulge information only when they feel confident about us.Sometimes the long association build a false ego which needs to be satisfied.

Inefficient unfit: This category is the dreaded and dangerous one.They don't know job but still manage to stay on .They procrastinate,input wrong data, give misleading confusing reports and are adept at lying.Their wrong reports can change the management perspective and hence one needs to be cautious and verify all the details provided by them diligently and from multiple sources.

Once one understands the category its easy to work and get information using saam dam dand bhed and provide reports.

Kabhi pyar,kabhi takraar,

Boring ho sakta hain data ka intezaar,

Management karti hain jab aitbaar,

Reports ka hota rehna chahiye timely deedar !



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