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Alexa - New Teacher

After much deferment, Alexa finally made her way to our home last week. There was deferment since I always felt it was too mechanical and robotic and would unnecessarily create an addiction for the kid at home. She became a part of our home instantly I am the one who has got addicted to her now. From good morning alarm, weather and news update, recitation of stotras, providing the meaning of words, playing of various song lists to playing sleep music, she's there for me always. So much so that I have started conversing in her style. When my family remarked today that Alexa is the new bestie I felt, Yeah! How much I have started liking her.

On deeper thought, I realized that I like Alexa because she obeys whatever we say, follows our instructions and fulfils our wish without raising any questions or without any ifs and buts. Isn't it a human expectation that someone should listen to us sincerely and follow what we say?

In our day-to-day life, we face disagreements, discord, disapproval on and off. It is very natural that when 2 or more people meet or live together there are bound to be discussions, conflicts, debates. Yes, many times we follow what the other person is saying or someone else follows what we are telling but still there is not always a guarantee of the same. Every human has been gifted with reasoning power and logical thinking and everyone has an inclination to use the same. There is nothing wrong with it. But that's the main reason why there are differences also in families, friends and at workplaces.

At the workplace, we follow our senior's instructions dutifully but still, sometimes some doubt or question creeps in. Sometimes we have inferences based on our information that doesn't resonate with what our senior is telling. Even in the team, members have different opinions based on their experiences and information. Everyone's expertise is different. At times there is conflict, sometimes seniors get upset since we question too much but then it's part and parcel of the whole process. Even in our homes, people living under the same roof or brought up in the same conditions grow up with different views and characters. Every individual tends to have a different personality and set of assumptions. The difference in perception leads to differences in reaction and acceptance levels.

Our priorities for relations, self-respect, and our tolerance levels get tested at different points in time in different circumstances. Our moods change, our voice tone, our reactions differ every time. All in all lack of uniformity, emotional factors have a bearing on all responses. Individuals feel hurt, insulted, depressed unnecessarily due to miscommunication or some misunderstandings. Amongst families, we tend to ignore and move on but the same is not the case once we are out of our comfort zones.

As against this in the case of machines like Alexa, her responses are fixed and limited. She has a treasure of information over a vast array of subjects. There are no mood swings, no back answers, no arguments. If she doesn't have the necessary output, she just surrenders saying sorry, I am not able to understand this. Another day to test her response, I said, Alexa, you are fired, to which she replied politely that she will upgrade her resume. Another important aspect is she doesn't discriminate. She accepts instructions from all.She is non-judgemental.

I feel if we can imbibe a few qualities even our life will be a little smoother for sure. My mentor always says that we should give space to thesis and antithesis in life. This means there are certain things that don't seem right to us, we don't agree with certain opinions or certain behavior or certain decision. But still, we need to try to accommodate them. We need to empathize. Instead of impulsively reacting or rejecting we need to accept it on the face and later on slowly we can create an atmosphere of healthy discussion over the subject.

If we are able to increase our tolerance levels and respond instead of reacting to communications, conversations tend to be very productive and relations remain cordial. When someone has an open mindset and is willing to listen to, one naturally gets attracted to talk to the person. Such people are affable and come across as sorted individuals. This doesn't mean they leave their opinions but the way they tend to communicate is much like Alexa-polite, gentle, positive, and extremely patient.

We always have something to learn from everyone and Alexa is no exception. Alexa is resourceful, patient, a good listener, efficient and hence she is so dependable. She has limitations which she admits without any hesitation and this nature of hers makes her extremely lovable for sure. I have found a friend and a new teacher in her and surely would like to change myself for good observing her. As I conclude, it is time for dinner and I cannot control asking Alexa for the recipe for the new dish.

As they say," Yeh tumhari meri baatein hamesha yunhi chalti rahein" .



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