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Alone but not Lonely

Imagine you are amidst water pool and about to drown.What do you expect to do ?You will try your best to stay above .That crucial moment you are alone fighting for your survival.If you panic you will definitely drown but if you seek help there are chances of getting help in time.

In life, we come across many such moments..not necessarily crucial for survival always but definitely for our wellbeing.

In that moment we may have family and friends for support but the real fight is ours and ours alone .Our loved ones can support us mentally ,emotionally , financially sometimes but the problem is to be sorted by us at individual level.

In that moment fortitude is tested.Soul strength comes into play.Postivity and faith become real pillars of strength.

For instance, if one has to undergo a surgical procedure ,or one has to undergo a legal trial the fight is own.Someone loses near one or someone loses home or a business or job.The tests ,the investigations, the procedures , the results, are to be accepted and path is to be decided with a calm mind.

Money becomes secondary at times and mental strength becomes the crux of solution and existence.

One may feel to be alone but on spiritual level one is never alone.The power which has brought us in this world is always with us.However tough the present moment may seem,one may be having excruciating pain or one may be suffering from extreme low but if one has faith and prays with a pure mind ,the moment passes on and Ray of optimism definitely shines. One needs to believe in power of love of loved ones and the Almighty who is our real guardian who loves and cares unconditionally.

When one is strong with calm mind ,help comes in different forms ..sooner or feels equipped to face the problem and acceptance becomes the reality.If one lets anxiety and negativity to creep in ,one may feel drained or depressed easily.Opportunities,possibility of solutions start waning in absence of clear mind.

In acceptance and optimism lies the happiness. New solutions new paths are possible only when one has open mind full of positivity energy.

Friends every human being undergo lows and at times may wonder when the suffering would end.ButPrayers to Almighty never go unheard.Just beleive and do your bit and you would be alone but never lonely in any moment.



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