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Pakka woman must be driving this car, my cab driver remarked watching the front car stuck in traffic while taking a U turn.The other day while discussing a legal problem, one of my uncles remarked while talking to women of the house do you even understand these things in a very sarcastic way and then commented women don't have a sense about all these things. He had a bad experience with a junior lady lawyer that day and so had formed an opinion so easily. This is not the first instance I came across such generalized remarks. My blood boiled and I was quick to reply as usual.

But then I thought about what was bothering me more. Their remarks about women or the fact that it is not true in every case and so it is wrong to generalize.

Whenever a woman shares her achievements in the outside world beyond four walls of home she gets praised a lot for making her mark in the world. So does proving her Intelligence or acumen in the outside world essential to command some respect or prove her capabilities?

The world has been created with two powers working in coordination and perfect sync. Every power is with specific characteristics and no power is superior. The characteristics are peculiar and have been designed in a way to further the purpose and take care of the creation process non-stop in auto mode. Masculine energies and feminine energies are part and parcel of the same Supreme divine. Shivshakti as many refer it to.

Men as creatures are designed to work and take care of materialistic needs. Their physical build is made for hard work, they are supposed to be out of homes arranging for livelihood and their minds rule their heart. Females are entrusted with the responsibility of creation. For this process, they have to go through pain every month and their role is to give birth and nurture souls. They are strong enough to endure pain and give birth, to work incessantly and to raise a family. But to keep the bonding and family together female creatures are designed in a way their heart rules their minds. They are alert to protect their loved ones. They are capable of multitasking and handling multiple chores simultaneously. They are expert in balancing. This is just a broad description of how male-female structures have been designed to make this nature work.

But above this, there is the most important factor. The intelligence which rules and decides the behaviour of any individual male or female. Intelligence helps to manoeuvre behaviour and rise above natural tendencies. Men are aggressive and women are silent for nature's creation process. But with intelligence, these tendencies can be changed is what we have seen over the past few centuries. There is no statistically significant difference between the average IQ scores of men and women.Infact as per article published by neuroscience news despite there being no differences in IQ or general intelligence between males and females, men often overestimate their IQs, considering them to be higher than females.

When men started taking advantage of women's natural tendencies and considered them inferior, women had no choice but to retaliate. This retaliation proved to men that women are not just creators but they are organisers managers, leaders and warriors. In this whole transition process, women have been fighting multiple battles. When a woman works outside like men she is looked at with higher respect. She has to venture out of home, earn and carve a name for herself to prove she's capable and independent. Is this right? Is this in tune with natural law? Is this the only way to command respect?

I have seen working women delaying marriages and pregnancies to match the growth and speed of their male counterparts.PCOD, IVF ,surrogacy,early menopause seem to be on the rise. Mental depression, disorders, and stress are commonly heard as family structures are getting disturbed. Women managing all and excelling is really creditable but sometimes its overwhelming for her. What if she is also given an option and allowed to take on single responsibility of either work or home?It is easy to comment women get confused or women are not aware of all happenings but do people empathize and keep themselves in her shoes?

Generalizing is always wrong. Sometimes even men shy from driving, are afraid of dogs, they get bogged down with multiple duties. While some women may drive cars in the most dangerous areas and travel alone throughout the world fearlessly. If a woman can be a teacher why can't men be guides for females at home? Why to share information or to explain something men have to make women feel ignorant or not updated? There can be a healthy way of sharing responsibilities, information and know-how. Have seen many men taking an active interest in household chores, cooking and babysitting lately. It is also a learning process for them and if they commit mistakes do women make them feel inferior?

Respecting women for what they are already doing and not just for securing higher positions and packages is necessary. To work or not to work outside homes should purely be the decision of a woman herself. Education and knowledge are for enriching lives and not just for earning money.

Rather than focusing on gender if we can focus on intellectual preferences and physical capabilities, the world would be a much balanced and happier place. Providing equal opportunities and empathising keeping in view the natural limitations can help a lot in being sensible and considerate.

Women don't need sympathy just support. Both men and women need support to grow and move forward. It may be mental, emotional or physical.

Only when both energies are respected and work in sync this world operate smoothly in a balanced way. Life is all about respecting the choices of every individual and weaving beautiful life stories around it.



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