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Candy Pink

After many years I came across candy floss or more popularly known as fairy floss today and the pink colour instantly brought memories of intense sugary taste back." Buddhi ke baal ",as we use to call it in school was a common item across all fairs, theaters, on the busy market streets. And what is amazing is till now its available in baby pink colour only. Now its packed in plastic box as against on a stick which had a different fun. Pink for girls and blue for boys is a concept I came across very late During childhood my mother used to stitch dresses for me and my elder sister. Unsaid rule was same cloth in two colour variants was bought and dresses stitched for us in different patterns. When I see the photos today I feel we were so innocent and we never fussed about same print or colour choice. Blue and pink ,red and yellow,golden and brown were so common combinations at that time.But yes because of this we had a choice to experiment with so many colours. I remember watching an English movie wherein the fairy mother is all dressed in pink gown with feathers. I was in second grade at that time. I never came across same dress in any shops in my city and I felt it is reserved for fairies only. Few years back when I went shopping for my daughter I got same outfit along with wings, magic wand and Hairband everything in pink.

Now I realise that most of the toys related to household like kitchen set ,dressing table, dolls as also cute teddy bears or accessories related to girls are generally made in pink. Does that mean we always put girls in Pink zone and it necessarily represents feminity? Few years back the trend was if its a girls room, everything has to be in pink but the mindset is changing now. Dresses, room décor, backpacks are coming in more variety of colours and not restricted to pink alone. But still I find some people gifting pink watch, pink purse or pink water bottles to girls and blue to boys. Much acclaimed Hindi movie 'Pink' busted the myth that pink is a favourite color of girls . ‘Pink’ means that women have the freedom and liberty to walk and talk. Day or night should not matter where they go .Also they have equal opportunity to speak up and stand up for themselves. It indeed gave power to otherwise considered to be very soft colour Pink. The color pink is often associated with the state of falling in love being a calm and pleasant colour. While pink is considered to be symbolic of loving, kind, and sensitive individuals, it is the colour of Lotus flower too. Lotuses bloom from the mud without stains and hence are viewed as a symbol of purity. Since they return to the muddy water each evening and open their blooms at the break of day, lotus flowers are also considered symbols of strength, resilience, and rebirth. They have strong spiritual significance.

I remember water glasses being kept in potassium permanganate water in schools for sanitization. The liquid used to be dark pink in colour. At the same time my favorite drinks like strawberry milkshake ,rose sherbet also used to be pink. So it has always been the strong sweet colour in my life. Pink hue in sky at night indicates that the coming day shall be fresh and bright. Same way pink colour makes everything around sweet acceptable and refreshing for sure. Pink to me indicates that you can be sweet, strong, calm, resilient, kind and fighter at the same time.

Pink is cute, Pink is sweet,

Pink is colour of kindness and calms down the heat,

Pink is love, Pink is strong,

Pink is the heart's soft little song,

Pink is the power to bloom in surroundings wrong,

Pink is fresh, pink is light,

Making everything happy and bright.



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