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Care to Converse

Every morning when I see happy faces of kids happily boarding the school bus, one thing becomes very clear and that is bonding with friends and teachers is what all kids missed during the last 2 years. Online schooling took away that fun element and they had started losing interest. But now more than anything they wish to be at their school and their lost interest in studies and co-curricular activities is coming back.

The other day I was feeling like I'm stuck and unable to strike a work-life balance. I went to have a conversation with a senior colleague. We discussed work and family and it brought the clarity and lost zeal back. Sometimes we just need someone who is resonating with our thoughts to feel sane. When I look back at my childhood I feel that I was indeed very blessed. Though ours was a nuclear family we had siblings and extended family who kept us visiting regularly. Any day our get-togethers would have 10 to 12 members. Having conversations with neighbor's over the compound wall, stopping while cycling on the roads just to converse with a gang of friends, and going unannounced to friends and family places was so common. Everything was simple and there were so many people around to talk to. Gradually mobiles, chat apps, and time constraints due to busy schedules have pushed us to secluded places unknowingly. Those who are outgoing naturally, and extroverts still find a way to bond but those who hesitate to reach out feel that vacuum. Many times I come across posts across social groups of individuals seeking help which is most of the time in form of patient listening only. Alexa or Siri can provide information but not be someone to share our feelings with.Sometimes light meaningless conversations are also soothing for a tired mind. One of my favorite stories is of Winnie the pooh and piglet.Small small conversations reveal so many important messages for good bonding and life. They value their bonding so much. Conversing and sharing with besties, our life partners, and companions is the ideal and the most wonderful gift. But not everyone has that advantage. As we grow, conversing and expecting our parents to understand everything also is difficult. With the kind of dynamic environment, we are living in, understanding our perspective is also not so simple for them. Recently my sister attended a training workshop for counseling for saving people prone to suicidal thoughts. And what came across sharply was if the right communication is stuck at the appropriate time many lives can be saved.

I sometimes feel we have so many training workshops going around us. There should be training workshops on the art of listening and conversing in an effective way in relationships too. Someone to listen to someone to understand and not judge but just be there is a basic human requirement. That's a tonic for a healthy emotional condition. Speak up your mind, Listen when someone is sharing and be kind, Little care and compassion, Removing the inhibition and hesitation, Can save a lot of lives from frustration, Spreading happiness through sharing is always easy, What more we need with everyone around is always so busy.



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