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Chai Coffee

I am very fond of a Talk show hosted by a famous filmmaker wherein every time two film stars are invited to chat and reveal a lot about their personal lives. Many find this show a total waste whereas for me it's a totally different game. What started as curiosity is now an addiction. Over the period I have come to realize that it is not the stars but the way conversation starts, shapes up, and winds up. There is one similar chat show in Marathi wherein the host invites someone from the theatre or film industry to discuss and converse about their entire life journey personal and professional both.

When I landed In Mumbai we stayed in an area where spotting TV stars was very regular. If lucky sometimes film stars too as some of the famous film studios were located nearby. Initially, I used to be so happy to spot them.

But over a period I started feeling them to be like us only.I spotted them buying groceries, veggies and , eating regular food at restaurants. After these chat shows started, these stars look so grounded. It is just their work that makes them look out of some other world . The stories and the roles they play are what I love. And their real lives and journeys are so different from the silver screen. Today they are seen to be relaxing with a cup of coffee on these shows but all of them have persevered, had their share of struggles, highs, and lows, and then they have been able to carve a niche for themselves. They have been insecure, faced uncertainty and have been trolled. They have families and their relations are always under the public scanner. Being in limelight is a boon but it comes with a price tag.

Life struggles are for everyone whether one lives in a hut or lives in a sea-facing bungalow. Whether you drink chai from roadside tapri or at a premium outlet at ten times the price, happiness and success is cyclical for all. Every day when I scroll through professional networking sites I come across professionals working for better positions, and better work opportunities. There are many who are still trying and many who are successful but still fighting a new battle every day. The one with a four-figure or five-figure income may be struggling to meet basic necessities, to give proper schooling to kids, to own a house, or to afford a family trip. While one earning in six or seven-figure may be struggling to maintain the position, the image, the ties with family members, loved ones, equations with who's who in society and workplace. At every level problem persists, nature and degree may be different. For some scarcity is a problem while some are coping with problems of plenty.

What is amazing in all this life circus is the role of love and values. At the end of the day, everyone craves a place wherein he or she feels to belong to and is cared for. Everyone wants that stability factor and someone to motivate. Someone who inspires us to grow and is happy because of our presence around. We all need the same minerals and nutrients in food to sustain and live a healthy life. Then whether one eats a regular meal or exotic food,on a melamine or glass plate, on a paper, or in a silver bowl doesn't change the fact that five elements are the same for all. Good health is something that all need to survive.Similarly, feelings and core values play an important role in the lives of all. Trust, Honesty, and hard work are quintessential for a happy life. Love and compassion work wonders for all. And above all the awareness that chai or coffee gives pleasure only when we have we have them with our loved ones.

Branded clothes, five-star restaurants, and high-end cars,

Or a simple pair of clothes and chilling in a desi bar,

Traveling every day by business class in flights,

Or changing crowded trains and returning after day work by night,

Festivities with silence and gluten-free, sugar-free cakes and sweet,

Or with full volume sound and traditional sugary treats,

Life moves on in a different way for all,

No one here is special or small,

Everyone is here in pursuit of happiness,

Some are ignorant while some are moving with awareness,

Ultimately A cup of hot piping tea,

Or a cold coffee in a restaurant by the sea,

Is a pleasure when there is someone to share,

And when there is someone who really does care!!

1 comentário

Pallavi Khurana
Pallavi Khurana
13 de set. de 2022



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