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I was standing near the gate of my kid's school waiting for her to come out. There were many small students of the next shift waiting to get inside standing in queues ahead of us. There were small pole barricades (queue managers) placed everywhere to maintain the line. The children all in the age group of 8- 10 years were busy in Masti and playing and pushing each other to get inside as soon as the gate was opened. At that moment one pole fell down. While all were keen to go inside only a small girl with tiny little hands, a heavy bag on her back, and a water bottle in one hand struggled to pick up the pole. The guard instructed her to leave it and come inside instead. She refused and picked it up with all her might and then happily went to school. I was really happy and amazed to see the sensitivity in that kid. She was least bothered to rush and go with her friends inside. Instead, she focused on maintaining the systems and values of discipline inculcated by the school and teachers. Out of so many students, only one had that realization and eagerness.

Isn't it the same case in our lives too? Many of us eat at food courts in malls. Have you observed how many of the food eaters actually pick up the empty trays, and put the trash away in the dustbin? There are many people who just casually walk away.

Most of the entrance-exit doors have auto door closer installed. I have observed on several occasions people just go outside /inside without even bothering who's behind them, if someone is getting hurt in any way.

While working in offices, we often have to go to our colleague's workstations. Many times people just pull the nearby empty chair and sit on it for a while and then leave without even bothering to keep it in its original place. This is a small thing but it matters for the person whose chair has been pulled.

Nowadays residential societies with high-rise buildings keep trolleys for taking shopping bags from parking to home. Residents using them are expected to return them back. This is a very basic condition but still many just use and keep trolleys on their floors creating inconvenience to many.

All these things may seem to be petty but they have a chain effect. Someone else has to take the responsibility of doing it. Once in a while, it is ok but when that becomes a habit it slowly results in sensitivity loss.

The habit of caring about things around us needs to be inculcated since childhood. Gradually this care and concern become a habit. These habits slowly start reflecting in human interactions. Empathy is a very critical aspect of healthy human relationships. Ultimately being sensitive about preserving and protecting things and nature as well as caring about people, not creating any unnecessary hassles or troubles, or just doing a bit to ease someone's life around are all a part of growing up.



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