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Date With Mom

"Date with mom", yeah, sounds so unusual but has so much deep emotion and feeling. In an age where everyone is self-engrossed and self-declared super busy, taking time to take mom around is really noteworthy and sweet. Recently my brother-in-law who stays in Pune took his mother for a full-day road trip as a surprise to fulfill her long cherished dream to see the city of dreams. I am still in so much awe of this warm gesture and wondering how aunty must be feeling. Her smile in the picture conveys so much.What do parents really expect from kids in the latter stage of life?

Money can buy gifts and comforts but nothing can replace the gift of time and undivided attention, the gift of action showing we do care and hold them in high regard and love them thoroughly and care for what they love and desire for.

While technological advancement has brought the world closer, it has in many ways emotionally contributed to the drifting apart of many connected souls. Many individuals and couples leave their hometowns to make a living and have better prospects. Even if they live in joint families all are busy and have their own packed schedules. Sometimes in the pursuit of dreams, many important things take a backseat, and sometimes parents are unknowingly taken for granted that they will understand and support. Yes, all parents support but small little gestures make them immensely happy for sure.

The greatest life lessons can be learned by having a word with old aged parents around especially sitting in the park in the evening trying to keep themselves busy. Some are happy and content while some are highly disappointed that their expectations are not met. But of all, real sad parents are those whose kids don't converse with them regularly or don't meet them in a while at least.

Remember during childhood if our parents took us for an outing or bought us ice cream or chocolate as a surprise it used to make us so happy. So is the case with parents. Even a single call or small inquiry can bring a smile on face of our parents. A small get-together or simple conversation makes them feel connected and cared for. They feel content and comfortable. The feeling of kids not caring for them is really troublesome for many aged people especially those who have kept high expectations throughout.

I am fond of mythological stories and keep on watching them. When I see Shri Ram going into exile for keeping his father's promise or Bhishma taking a vow not to marry, I often wonder whether such commitment and respect for parents' wish are really true. If we consider these as extreme examples do regular expectations get fulfilled in today's time?

One day a colleague staying in a joint family shared that he never leaves home without having a small conversation with his aged mom in the morning. This small conversation with mom is tonic for good mental and physical and above all emotional health. Another colleague visits his mom's home daily to make morning tea and then only his daily routine begins. I remember my Nani used to be so happy when any of her children or grandchildren took her for a ride or for an outing. She used to get dressed in the latest saree donning a bright small in a few minutes.

We can keep caretakers or house helps to take physical care but the emotional well-being of parents is connected with our bonding. During the recent pandemic, many children couldn't visit their parents for almost 2 years. Social media is flooded with posts of how they meet and greet each other with moist eyes, wide smiles, and tight hugs. We surely don't need such pandemics to realize the treasure and cherish it. It is a true blessing of the Lord if we can make parents' life a little happier and warm.

A little conscious effort can make every day a happy day for our loved ones for sure.



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