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Ekla Chalo Re

I was 6 years old when in school a new Bengali teacher joined to teach us music. I remember she was very young, pretty, and very loving. The first song she taught us was Jodi Tor Dak Shune Keu Na Ase Tobe Ekla Cholo Re, composed by Rabindranath Tagore. I could not understand the meaning much at that time but the song became a favorite because of the adorable teacher.

Now when I look back I realize the depth and truth of the song. It's about being alone still carrying on.

Today, when I see around the way pandemic, has affected us it becomes even more relevant. Covid affects a person in a way that there is no option but to isolate. So also for the household members, they have to carry and take all care alone. Once infected that household is immediately put under scanner and a lot of rules apply. But still, there is no option to give up. Have to do all chores, take all precautions, be vigilant, fight and recover.

Our life is also more or less similar. When we are small we are surrounded by so many people. They take our care keep a watch on us and protect us from every possible harm. But as we grow and as our wings start gaining strength and our courage is built we become independent and start moving on alone. The more we dream, the more we aspire chances of feeling lonely are more. When we get busy pursuing our dreams we may not be able to interact with people around us regularly. Time crunch and pressing demands of our work may create a constraint in building our social circle. We may not be able to build strong pillars of human support. In some cases, it may happen that when we choose a difficult or different path, a less trodden path, people around us may not approve or support us. They may not be able to understand our perspective and just criticize us. That can also cut us from people around. Even if we have a strong social circle, many friends, and great family support there may be situations when there is no one around. There are always some battles in life that have to be fought alone. What does an individual do in such a situation? When loved ones are not near, or fail to understand, or not in a position to empathize. Does life give an option or concession in such times.No never! The only option is to gather all our courage and give a tough fight.

I have an aunt who didn't marry and pursued a great career. In her forties, she migrated to Canada. And there unfortunately she had to face many health issues. She returned back after a few years. Here too she had to undergo a lot of painful treatment all alone. But she has always stood strong and today she has overcome all her illness successfully. She accepted the reality and chose to fight positively. Earlier we had joint families. But now with nuclear families, many kids are alone with no siblings. In tough times won't they be alone without any brothers or sisters around? The onus is on parents to make them emotionally and mentally strong and self-reliant. On the contrary with the way the world has changed chances are high that in old age we may all have to be on our own, unlike our grandparents whose children were with them till last breath. Single, married, divorcee, committed whatever your status in life, truth is individual journey and battles are inevitable. Ask couples..can they take away all problems of each other? They can just provide emotional support. But the actual fight is personal.

Have you ever seen entrepreneurs at a party? They are so cheerful and lively. Visit someday their office on working day and then you will realize the burdens and pressures they carry day in day out. They have responsibilities of so many families dependent upon them, so many statutory compliances, so many financial commitments but still, they stand strong. Only those who are ready to fight, who are self-motivated, who are optimistic can lead organizations.

Courage is embedded in all of us. The need is to realize and awaken it. There is nothing impossible in this world. Emotional, mental, physical, financial, many aspects and so many factors. Almighty has designed everyone's journey in a way that for learning we have to go through ups and downs.

It is important is to realize that we have been blessed with infinite power by the Almighty. We just have to keep the faith and awaken the internal strength. We need to tolerate pain and believe in dreams and a better tomorrow.No situation is constant in life, no failure is permanent. Every situation is a test of our mettle, our patience, and our confidence. We have come here to create something beautiful, something meaningful. Alone or together, it doesn't matter. We need not stop and continue relentlessly. Let us work on our physical, mental, emotional well-being and be ready to take on any path alone happily, and with full optimism.



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