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Flow - Necessity of Life

The dishwasher was cleaning the utensils when the water supply abruptly stopped. I had to used stored water to clean the utensils and I was really irritated as it took double time and effort.

We were on the highway and traveling at a decent speed. I was looking forward to reaching home and suddenly there was a huge traffic jam because of some repairing work on the road. The entire flow had come to a standstill. The disruption was frustrating for all travelers. Everyone's calculation had gone for a toss.

Sometimes the veggie vendors go on a strike. Have you seen the level of discomfort of homemakers when there are no regular supplies of veggies and fruits?

Friends, if we observe around flow or the movement is so essential in life. Continuity in supply or movement gives everything momentum or motivation. It is also essential for growth.

For instance, for a business to run efficiently working capital needs to be in place. If there is disruption or inadequacy the entire revenue cycle takes a hit creating long-term repercussions.

The flow is essential in all aspects of life to maintain balance. Continuous pulse keeps us alive. The same theory applies to our minds. It needs continuous feeding. If we get stuck at a place or point we can never progress. Our growth in life depends upon the continuous fueling process. If we decide to be content and stay fixed at a point over a period feeling of redundancy is bound to creep in. The need is to continuously keep our lives updated. The process of up-gradation is a perpetual process.

Reading, conversing, discussing with people, watching talk shows, around us are modes of keeping our thought process in action. During this pandemic when people were stuck at home, monotony and insecurity could have gripped many. But thanks to online courses, webinars people got a chance to have a flow of ideas.

People who avoid change or any deviation tend to have a rigid mindset. They fail to keep up with the advancements happening around them. I have seen many senior citizens struggling or avoiding using smartphone features. While there are some who love to get themselves acquainted. They tend to be benefited and enjoy a lot of benefits that come along. When I see senior citizens using net banking, GPS,swiggy, video calling, or for that matter blogging online I really feel so happy for them.

Fresh ideas and being updated keep mind and in turn the body much younger. It helps to be connected to the world at a higher level of awareness.

Very important in life is the flow,

Doesn't matter if fast or slow,

Being in momentum fuels progress,

It keeps us fresh to handle every kind of stress,

Getting stuck will create a block,

Always take motivation from the hands of the clock!!

- CA Madhura Lathkar



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