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Be grateful for what you have,

For how far you have come,

For this day, this moment,

This oppurtunity is available to some.

Be grateful for knowledge you have earned,

For the travel you have done,

For the places visited and people you met,

It is a chance not everyone gets.

Be grateful for the food you have eaten,

For the clothes you have worn,

For all the music, colour and toys,

Not everyone has the choice to play and enjoy.

Be grateful for the comfort and security,

For the peace and sanctity,

For the love and affection,

Not everyone gets the care and compassion.

Be grateful for the devotion,

For the beautiful emotion,

For presence of lord and power in life,

Present with with us in every strife.

Be grateful as that is the only feeling,

That can bring peace and positivity,

Help us to cherish and enjoy,

Fills each moment of life with enthusiasm and joy.



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