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Happiness-Emotional connect

क्या थे तुम

नन्ही सी गुडीया ...

आज सयानी होके

अंदाज तुम्हारे शायराना हो गये...

हर बात में तुम्हारे गहराई पायी हमने...

मन को छु गये हर अंदाज तुम्हारे...

Today received this message from one of my school teachers and I was choked with emotions. I have always admired this teacher. Her personality, her communication skills, her aura was like that. I remember during school days all students used to be so afraid of her because of her strict nature. But I was always in awe. She instilled the values of discipline, honesty, commitment in me during my teens. It was a period where we just being exposed to the outside world and had so many questions going on. But she was the one who made us understand the value of character and sincerity. I consider myself to be blessed with extremely loving teachers always. When I saw her remark on my writing all those beautiful days flashed back and filled me with so much joy.

My senior at work is a perfectionist, super-intelligent, and extremely fast at work. I remember when I joined, initially I used to get very anxious for any report to be submitted. I used to commit silly mistakes due to this anxiety. But over a period I got used to and settled down. I really felt motivated to do good work with such an efficient senior and finally, one day reply came as “Perfect” on one of my reports. That was a day I felt to be on cloud nine.

These two incidents are special since they make me realize that true happiness is not in possessing or achieving something materialistic but it’s a feeling arising out of the human connection. Happiness, a single word but the most powerful feeling for which we are in action always. Right from the break of dawn till night we all are on our toes in search of happiness. Knowingly unknowingly this happiness gets linked to our social standing, lifestyle, material possessions. But on a deeper thought, it's such a pure feeling and can be experienced through just pure


My mother never misses her morning walk in the nearby park. More than the walk it’s the joy of meeting her friends there which motivates her. They all meet post-walk, sit and chit chat, address concerns, share a laugh for some time and then return home. This ritual has become a tonic for them. That emotional connection is so strong. It fills them with positive energy for the entire day. One of my neighbors is extremely helpful in nature. She is every ready to help all around in whatever way she can. The happiness and positivity she derives from helping are reflected through her vibrant personality.

Just having a conversation with a bestie, accompanying grandparents for a walk, explaining parents new technology, doing some craft activity with kiddo, appreciating someone, helping a colleague or neighbor are actually so simple tasks. But if we see they bring us joy which is so pure. Playing with infants fills our hearts with pure joy and excitement. Their smile and innocence are priceless.

We go to restaurants for a change in mood, to try something different to feel fresh. Have you ever observed how long the happiness of eating outside stays with us after leaving the restaurant? We go shopping or for sight seeing.No wonder we feel fresh, get excited, feel happy. But after some time those feelings just disappear. Is deriving perpetual happiness possible from such events?

Over the period I have come to realize that the happiness we derive out of human connections is something we cherish more. It soothes, it stays with us. The happiness out of bondings, out of kind gestures, expression of love, and compassion seems to stay for a longer period.

I remember a decade back we were waiting for our signal on an extremely busy road in Mumbai. A sweet little girl came with a bunch of roses and started insisting to buy. She looked like a doll. She pleaded so sweetly. The innocence and smile on her face were angelic. She was just running behind cars in the scorching heat. We bought all her flowers and she was so delighted. I toh felt like taking her home. That memory of her smile still remains so fresh. One of my friends described the experience of visiting an orphanage for celebrating a birthday recently and I realized the happiness which is derived from such gestures is unexplainable.

Positivity, warmth, care, appreciation, and concern are sources of pure happiness. These feelings give us a sense of security and strength. They are a motivation to wake up and do something meaningful in life. This happiness is eternal and infectious too.



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