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Joy of Small Things

Today 14th Feb is Valentines day.Come February and a series of days begin..Rose day,propose day,teddy day, Chocolate day etc but the most popular one is today.Over the years have realised that expression of love can'tbe reserved for a single day and it is spontaneous.I have always been very open about my feelings in every relation whether family or friends and for me its just an add on.

Today morning nature surprised me as my small plants bloomed with rose and cute lil rose buds. As if they were expressing their affection. I really wonder what is the connection between Saint Valentine and roses.But yes whenever my plants bloom my heart is filled with joy.

I had to get passport size photo clicked today for some paperwork. It has been years that I went to studio.I have been using same photo for so many years that now I myself got fed up. Decided to try something new and wore this Ilkal saree ( bought impulsively in a small town in Karnataka for the dhoopchaon combination) for the click..5th Saree of the year.

One ritual that has been followed since my teens is having chocolate bar this day. In my hometown only one icecream brand ruled for years, the famous Dinshaws.

I was in my early teens when they launched Heartbeat , a heartshaped chocobar and my uncle brought it as a surprise on Valentine's eve. Then it became a trend of sorts .Now brand is different but joy is intact .So on my way packed a few .

Truly happy and feel blessed to realise that joy is still found in so many small things which are priceless.



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