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Language of Love

Alia - Ranbir's wedding photos are flooding the internet and many people like me are delighted to watch the same. There are many who feel what's there to be so happy." Begani Shaadi Mein Abdullah Deewana".But I feel that anything that expresses a celebration of love needs to be cherished and enjoyed.

In this world, love is the most beautiful emotion, and the language of love is the easiest to understand.

When we see a small baby and smile the baby instantly responds. Babies are the purest souls and they understand only touch and smiles filled with love.No words are necessary to communicate with them.

As kids grow up and our conversations get filled with instructions, warnings, concerns, and anger creep in. Just love can keep the bonding strong. And this is true for all relations. In this world, people are already preoccupied with their own so many things. Happiness and struggles are part and parcel of everyone's life.No one wants any more headaches, heartaches, or things which disturb the peace of mind. But love is always welcome as love brings joy naturally. When two unknown people in conversation reach a deadlock, any curt statements bring a reaction but a communication filled with understanding can generate a response.

The other day I was not in a very good frame of mind when my bestie called. We have been friends for so long that even a single sentence is enough to bring out what's going on without many words. A small conversation cleared all the negative fog and I was in my original optimistic form. That's the power of conversation filled with empathy and care.I always feel love is the single most powerful motivator in life. We have heard many stories of bravery and victory emerging out of love. In our day-to-day lives if we are aware we will realize that where there is love, care compassion, productive work happens there. Imagine a boss getting angry every now and then. All start losing their morale. But when the leader is considerate people are emotionally charged. This also explains why hundreds of soldiers become martyrs, just for the love of the land. People like Sindhutai Sapkal could adopt and take care of so many children, she could become a mother, a safe shade just because of love. She was not very educated but she understood and communicated in the language of love.

Love recognizes only the purity of emotions. Age, class, and creed are immaterial.

Whenever I look at Radhakrishna's image it instantly fills me with immense love and devotion. It makes me feel good and happy. I am sure this is the experience of most of the devotees. What's the embedded magic? It is a pure love that emanates which makes the image or idol so special. Their bonding epitomizes just pure love.

Their connection is eternal since it has emerged out of love. Their stories make us believe in the power of love.

Love encompasses all. Love fills everything on this planet with life and wonder.

We all have got just one life. To love it and experience it in the most beautiful and fulfilling way it is necessary to communicate and bond with souls around and this is possible only when we adopt the loving language of love.



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