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Let This Pass

I and my friend were locked in a verbal fight. I was very upset and was in no position to understand what my friend was telling. Finally, after a break, I could rethink the entire situation and we were able to resolve the differences and reach some conclusion.

Have you ever seen a child crying for not getting a particular toy? Let some time pass and once the mind is diverted the child may be seen enjoying forgetting entirely about the toy.

The human mind is designed like that. Only when it settled it can see through the situations in a correct perspective. A ruffled mind is ways a source of confusion and stress.

I was in a meeting and was super irritated with the approach and attitude of a senior colleague. But instead of reacting then and there I preferred keeping mum. Other colleagues who tried to disagree entered into an unnecessary argument with no futile conclusion. The next day I had a word with the senior and tried to explain our viewpoints and the matter was sorted much more peacefully.

My friends who stay in the joint family always discuss this. When there are many people there are bound to be disagreements. But keeping silent at the peak moment of anger helps to sort out situations amicably.

It is just a matter of time. Every human being is working under a set of different conditions. The conditioning of the mind since childhood is different, so is the exposure to circumstances. Education, experience, basic character all play a vital role in defining behavioral patterns. So some people are very peaceful, patient, strong while some are hyper, emotional, and sensitive.

In any situation where the mind is disturbed thinking process is bound to be distorted. It is necessary that the mind is calm and sure about what we are thinking and reacting to.

I remember during CA exams, questions used to be quite tricky and tough. I always followed a method wherein if I had even 1 percent doubt I used to skip that question and attempted it in the end after maximum questions were completed. This gave a chance for the mind to go and recap what has been studied and remember if the solution was fitting in properly.

The same technique needs to be implemented in real life. When we are stressed or faced with multiple problems we need to take each problem one at a time, take a break, think and then act.

The tricky moment, the stressful moment should be allowed to pass, and then only we can find some way out. In anticipation, if we act we are bound to get more disturbed and commit mistakes.

Let this pass is a way of taking away intensity from the problematic situation. It's like watching what is happening as an observer and then get into the action with full confidence and clarity.

Let this pass is a way of letting go of anger, frustration, fear, confusion at that particular moment of time. It is just a little postponing of reaction to an event.

I have experienced that many times, just passage of time solves half of the problems we were imagining or anticipating. A very little percent actually materializes and being calm, composed really helps in such a scenario.

Optimism and little patience,

Confidence and little tolerance,

Reflection and empathy,

Key ingredients to have clarity.

Let this pass is a way of handling critical time,

Finding solutions and making everything sublime!!!



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