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Lord Krishna

Janmashtami is around the corner and for many preparations have already begun to celebrate the birthday of our dear Lord. For me, Janmashtami brings about many beautiful childhood memories. My grandmother used to celebrate the birth of Krishna by preparing a big spread of sweets and savories. Her Devghar-puja house used to be decorated and we used to sit with her while she sang beautiful bhajans till midnight. What I particularly remember is that those bhajans were not like other bhajans. One of them described the appearance of Krishna and how he looked divine in attire while the other one described the favorite sweets prepared and requesting him to have something. There was one more pleading him to take care and look upon us. I loved the way there was personal communication with Him in those bhajans. The sweets prepared on Janmashtami used to be special in taste and I couldn't wait to eat them esp the dink/gond laddu, shrikhand, dried ginger sweet, and so on. This festival was meant to celebrate the goodness and enjoy good food. But now I wonder how Lord Krishna who from just a diety has become my source of strength, my inspiration to write, and one that makes me believe in the power of love and hope.

Lord Krishna as a God form has always been my favorite because of his mystique and wonderful stories full of miracles .I feel we human beings always look up to something larger than life. That may be probably the reason we worship and pray to all deities. Over a period with different life experiences questions started emerging in my mind, why, where, how, whom. All these questions revolve around the facts and truth of life and a blessing, I am getting to discover lord Krishna not only as a deity in puja Ghar but as a guide to answer all my questions.

Lord Krishna is a power that can wipe out all darkness and fill everything with love and light. Lord Krishna is a source of strength and knowledge. Knowledge which can bring us out of all confusion and guide us to be on the right path. I am on the first step and the journey is long but I am sure there can be nothing more meaningful and beautiful than the Lord Himself.

Happy Janmashtami!!



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