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Love Never Ends - Episode 4

Riya opted for a baby pink crop top with her favourite white cotton pants and black leather jacket to enjoy the Lake Lucerne yacht cruise. Her hair long shiny hair was tied neatly with a scarf. It had been a long time since she had consciously taken efforts to get ready. At the workplace, it always had been formal ethnic. So when this trip was planned, Geet had specially taken her shopping. She was happy to look at herself in the mirror.

When she reached the boarding point it was already crowded. She made her way to the top and found a comfortable spot to stand. The view indeed was very beautiful. The 1-hour cruise was to take them around with Audioguide. She was in no mood to listen to the prerecorded commentary. She was happy observing everything around her. There were many couples who were in Lucerne for their honeymoon. They looked so good together. Having a companion in life is not such a bad idea she thought for a while. She was 30 and for some time her family was behind her to get married. But she had always avoided the topic citing professional reasons. All her friends were married now. Was that reason sufficient to take the plunge? What about love then? Will she ever get the love she has dreamt of? Akhil had changed her perception about many things in life. Love has always been associated with Akhil. Would that change now?.

Thoughts started flooding her mind. She had always kept herself occupied with work to avoid these questions. Now watching the vast expanse of the lake, the crystal clear water and greenery all around filled her mind with a feeling of vacuum. She had never travelled to tourist places alone and for the first time, she missed talking to someone. She tried to divert herself by clicking some selfies. But still, she couldn't get over that feeling of being alone. She thought about Deep who had given her good company the day before. But then shelved the thought as futile.

When the yacht reached Lucerne it was dinner time. As she was getting out she saw someone smiling at her and waving. She could not believe her eyes."Hey, Hi Riya. How come you here?"Deep asked mischievously. Riya was shocked and a little happy too. "What brings you here, Mr Singh?", she asked trying to look normal. "Aree, I had a client meeting here nearby today. Was just returning back when I saw you". He even pointed out his laptop bag. Riya knew certainly this was not the case but opted to believe him. "I know of a good Indian restaurant just a few blocks away. If you don't mind having dinner with me??".he asked. She thought it was not such a bad idea and it was still time for sunset. Even if she got late she would be back before it got dark to her hotel room.

They both decided to walk and Deep clearly seemed to be happy. She was a little anxious but finally, she was out of that vacuum feeling. Deep was talking continuously and Riya found him to be quite sensible and well-read. Listening to him she got so engrossed that she didn't realise they had reached the crossing. She moved ahead and at that moment, Deep caught her hand and pulled her back towards himself. It was a fraction of section and a bus crossed them speedily. His grip was firm and Riya was shocked by the jerk. She could sense his genuine concern in that grip." I am sorry", he said leaving her hand. His face was grim."Bade Bade Deshon Mein Aisi Choti Choti Baatein Hoti Rehti Hai."Riya said to lighten up his mood. Deep couldn't control his laughter and said "Bas kar filmy chakkar."

When they reached the restaurant, Riya realised that Deep already had a table booked for them. She was impressed by his confidence and planning. Having Indian food after a while was really comforting. They had a conversation about good food, good books, their favourite activities and then she looked at the watch. It was pretty late. Both had clearly enjoyed the conversation but then it was time to leave. He offered to drop her at the hotel. But she was confident and assured that she would be fine herself. He was to take a train ride back. At the time of parting, he opened his bag and took out a gift box and offered it to Riya. She was not in favour of any kinds of gifts and goodies as she hardly knew him. But he played his emotional card citing he would be really sad. Riya was not very happy with the gift thing but accepted it just as a gesture to acknowledge his good company. At the time of leaving, he shook her hand and they took on their respective ways. On reaching the hotel room, Riya dropped a message to him "reached". Deep was happy to see her message. His last-minute plan to travel all the way to Lucerne after office to meet her had been successful. Riya was quite mature and had a great understanding of things.

Before sleeping, Riya decided to open the box out of curiosity. She was guessing what it could be and she was astonished to see a beautiful picture of hers in a saree posing in snow framed in a beautiful frame. It was so naturally captured. She was filled with joy as also confusion. Clearly, he had taken a pic of hers yesterday. There was a small card that read," Birthday wishes for the most confident and crazy girl I have met to date. Will you be my friend?"



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