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Love Never Ends - Episode 6

Riya could not sleep properly after receiving the friend request. Friday early morning she took a ride to Interlaken. What was bothering her she was not able to decide. Deep seemed to be a mature and sensible guy. But she did not wish to trust anyone. She kept wandering on the streets of picturesque Interlaken, indulged in shopping till she felt tired and hungry.

There was absolute silence in the eatery she selected for lunch. Geet had messaged her several times since yesterday."Riya, grow up. It's high time you move on and meet new people. Let yourself be free. Going to Lucerne has been the first step. Move ahead, darling. Talking or being friends with someone is not going to harm you."Geet was deeply concerned for Riya when she listened to the whole incident. Riya was anxious but even she agreed with what Geet was saying."Thanks, Sweetie for being there always"She replied.

Riya was now out of the turmoil. The next two days she was going to be in Zurich. Saturday afternoon Riya checked into her new hotel. Riya then messaged Deep, "Free?".

Deep had not called or messaged her. He didn't believe in rushing things. He was in the office finishing off some presentations and paperwork. He called her instead of replying back.

"Hey Hi, wassup"

"I am in Zurich, would like to meet."

"Great. I am in the office finishing off some work. You may come down till I wrap it up".

Riya thought it was a good idea to establish his credibility. When Riya reached his office he was in midst of a discussion with his Indian colleague Pratik and secretary Samantha. Riya was feeling awkward to walk in like that with little acquaintance. Frankly a little afraid too. Deep could not hide his excitement to welcome her and greeted her with a warm handshake. He introduced her as a friend and requested her to wait on the couch in his cabin. His office was a pleasant place across the main street. She was impressed to see the way his office desk was organized. Everything spick and span. They had a small conversation and he was trying to wrap up his work simultaneously. In a striped polo T-shirt and jeans, Riya found him quite smart. Watching his athlete like built-up," He is fitness freak for sure" Riya thought. She could sense his commitment and love for work. Deep was watching her in between. He could sense her awkwardness. He liked the innocent expression on her face. He offered her a hot cappuccino and cookies to make her comfortable. Riya had came dressed up in a bright yellow top paired up with a black pencil skirt. She had always been into cycling and running. So had managed to have a lean body plus she was blessed with a vivacious smile. She was beautiful but she never was conscious about her looks and presence. Deep like the freshness around her aura.

Once done with his work he came and sat with her across the couch.

"So tell me, Miss Sunshine, how's your solo trip going?"He had a spark in his eyes that was difficult to ignore.

"It has been great till now. Returning back tomorrow night. Thought of catching up with a new friend"She replied with a smile. "I had heard people in Europe and the US follow 5-day working rule strictly so was presuming you to be resting or enjoying the weekend"

"Yes, of course, they do follow the 5-day rule but as for me office and home are the same. It doesn't make much of a difference. Also, there is an important conference coming up. So I need to gear up."

"So you single?"Riya asked

"Yes, pretty much", he replied with a Duchenne smile.

They then walked up to the lake. He was curious to know a lot about her. But Riya managed to divert the topics smartly. They talked about his work. He had been always traveling. He had a passion for photography. He showed her some of his clicks on mobile and they were really superb. No wonder he had captured her so beautifully she thought. While having dinner she mentioned about her flight the next day before which she was to visit Rhine Falls.

"Hey will it be ok if I join too??" he asked instantly

Riya got a little serious." Mr. Singh, I need to make one thing very clear. I am neither here to make any casual friends nor do I believe in dating. I found you pretty genuine and mature. So came to meet and thank you for the gift. Please don't take anything in the wrong sense. I don't want to create any wrong impression or expectations because when expectations break they create a lot of pain. For me, friendship word means a lot."She was talking politely but with absolute clarity.

Deep could make out that what she was saying was not in the current context alone. He listened to her patiently and loved her genuineness except for her addressing him as Mr. Singh.

"Ok, Miss Sathe.Noted.I also value friendship a lot and mark my words you won't regret meeting me anytime."

There was an assurance in his reply which Riya had been craving since long. Was she going to trust anyone seriously? Even she was not sure though.




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