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Love Never Ends - Episode 7

The next morning as Riya was checking out of the hotel, Deep stood beside her watching her closely. She had to carry her luggage on the trip to Rhine falls. The tour bus was to pick them up from the nearby corner. It had been drizzling since morning. When they reached the corner the bus was already waiting for them.

Riya seemed a little bored with the rains.

"For a Mumbaikar, this drizzle should not matter!!"Deep remarked.

"I hate rains since childhood. I like bright sunny days" Riya said watching the view outside. But nothing was visible.

"I still remember our rainy day sessions at IIT Bombay. Powai lake looks beautiful ".Deep had done his graduation from Mumbai and then after a few years MBA from Harvard.

"That's Cool!"Riya exclaimed. "So you visit India every year?

"Nope. Only if there is any occasion". Deep had lost both his parents at a very early age. He had an elder brother who stayed in Mumbai now with his family. Riya could sense a feeling of loneliness in his voice and she wondered why he was single. It seemed Deep read her mind." I got so busy with work. I had a huge personal loan to be repaid and the responsibilities at workplace kept on increasing. I have many friends but commitment still not in sight" he smiled as he concluded his story.

Riya was listening to him and thought every individual's journey is so unique. Deep then kept her engaged with a lot of interesting discussions till the tour guide announced they had reached.

The vast Rhine falls and the breathtaking beauty is a delight for every visitor. Riya and Deep enjoyed the boat ride enjoying the falls closely. It was quite an adventure. All through the trip Deep had been carrying his Handycam shooting the trip and loved clicking pictures of Riya in between.

On the way back they Deep seemed a little serious."Riya, I have told you so much about myself but you have still not shared anything about yourself. I understand I'm a complete stranger. But hope you will keep in touch once you are back"

"Yeah, Sure. I really had a good time with you "Riya replied.

The bus dropped them near the airport. She had to travel by metro to the airport from thereon. But Deep wished to accompany her to the last point. Finally, she had to give in. When they reached the airport she could not control giving him a goodbye hug. There was a warmth in his behavior which was likable. The hug was unexpected by Deep but he liked the gesture. He stood there observing her till she disappeared amongst the travelers. He felt a strong connection with her.

Riya was happy to have completed her first solo trip successfully without hassles . She was grateful to Deep for the good time. Deep was a decent guy and she was happy to have a new friend in her life. There was definitely something the way they got connected unexpectedly.

This small acquaintance was to change the time for them. But they had no clue.



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