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Love Never Ends - Episode 9

The conversation with Deep had a soothing effect on Riya. It was as what she already knew but wish to listen from someone. Days were passing by and conversation with Deep had more emotions and soul now. Deep was growing fond of Riya. But after listening to Akhil's story he was not sure what Riya felt about him. He wanted her to come out of her insecurities and decide what was best for her. He wanted to be there for her as a friend always.

Akhil had tried to get in contact with Riya on chat messages but she had not replied to any of them. As discussed with Deep she had already decided to forgive and forget him. But it was not so simple and easy. She had held on to his thoughts for so long that they were deeply rooted in her subconscious mind now. She had joined meditation class lately. Also, she was regularly going out with her colleagues and family.

It was December and Akhil was in town. They had a school reunion at a resort nearby and Riya finally decided to face and fight off the situation. She discussed this with Deep and he felt it was a good chance to revisit and clear the past memories. Geet was out of India and Riya was surely gonna miss her.

The resort was a nice place with small villas and a pond. Akhil and Riya had just formally greeted each other and didn't have a chance to converse the whole day.

In the night they had a bonfire and Akhil came near Riya,

"Would you like to join for a walk?" he asked Riya hesitantly.

"Hmm..ok" she replied and they started walking towards the pond.

"How are you Riya? How's life?" he asked with an unexpected concern in his voice.

"I am good and life is fine. How are you Akhil? "she asked. She knew he was happy and good but still, she asked as a formality.

"I am ok. I have been trying to contact you for a while but no reply. I understand you are upset but really" as Akhil was talking, Riya interrupted him, "What do you want Akhil? Why are you trying to talk to me after so many years?"

Akhil's face was grim now."Riya, What I did was not right and I understand your anger",

"Ohh, so you have this realization now Mr. Rai!!"Riya again interrupted him and started walking away. Akhil held her hand and asked her to stop. His grip was firm and she looked into his eyes. They seemed a little moist. She was angry but she didn't even like him like this. Over the years she was upset and sad but never ever had wished anything bad for him. She had always presumed that he was happy. She quietly stood there and decided to let him finish what he had to say.

They both sat near the pond and Akhil continued, "I got carried away with the outside world. The reality was different from the life we had been living together. I was meeting new people every day. But every time I tried to make new friends, your thought kept confusing me. It filled me with guilt feeling that I was betraying you. I could not confide in anyone. You were so far and our daily lives were so different. I thought you would not understand my concern. I had a word with my mother. She also felt that we need to give space and time to each other. We had been so close that we never had a chance to explore the world in a real sense. And this was time to explore and grow. Anyways she never liked you much, as your background was very different from ours. At that time what she was saying was making sense though. Slowly I tried to disconnect and then one day I decided to take a tough decision once and for all".

While he was sharing all this Riya's eyes filled with tears. How could he decide everything at his own level? Why he didn't consider talking to her once.was she immature to deal with this?? Still, she kept mum.

"I had decided to contact you after graduation but then Geet told how broken you had been and with great difficulty you had moved on. I could not gather the courage to meet you. I left for the US. I met Janet there and it was love at first sight. But somehow my mind came coming back to you. It was like something valuable in my life was missing. I discussed this with Janet too and she felt I should talk to you. At Geet's marriage, I tried but at that time you went away. Recently I and Janet separated and I came to experience the pain of a loved one leaving us alone in midst of life chaos. Riya I know how rude I have been. I have taken away colors of happiness during your growing years but trust me I thought you would adjust and move on. You were strong and I felt you would forget me. But now I realize that when you love someone dearly you cannot forget them then be it, anyone. I can just request you to forgive me. I have lost a great friend but I have and I will always wish the best for you ".As he finished he saw tears flowing from her eyes. He gave her a warm hug and very genuinely apologized for whatever had happened.

Riya had got her answers but they seemed so irrelevant now. Time had passed away. They both had lost their friendship and the people whom they had loved so dearly under different circumstances. But as Deep always says look at the present she thought."Deep" her heart rushed to him. How she wanted him to be there at that moment. But she knew it was her journey. She calmed herself and said, "Akhil, you were my bestie. You should have confided in me. But I understand we all make mistakes. We all are vulnerable when our loved ones are not around. I don't blame you. Yes, it was painful for me. But I guess that's how my journey had been designed. I have always wished happiness for you and would continue to. I hold no grudges and my heart and mind are clear for you. I would always like to remember you as my best childhood friend and would always cherish the best times we have had. Nobody can take away those moments from us."How good she felt to say that. It was like she was gifting herself peace finally. She wiped her tears and smiled at Akhil.

They both knew one chapter of their life was over.



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