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Made for Each Other

“They are made for each other”, is the most commonly used statement for couples who are extremely compatible and in deep love. Its also used for besties who are extremely comfortable in each other's company. That comfort feeling makes the statement apt.

I have observed that it is not only two people who can be made for each other but there are many such other aspects.

Have you ever wondered that we go to so many places but there is one particular location that keeps us calling back again and again? Why we feel attracted and a sense of peace there. Why the place feels to own us and we seem to be at home at that place more than any other location. In a crowded city like Mumbai also there are few places which boost me up and fill me up with positivity. Just a visit to the place and spending some time at such a place refreshes the mind. I feel this happens because we and that location are made for each other.

We eat so many cuisines and dishes. But there is one particular dish which makes us forget the whole world. There is one particular dish which we enjoy cooking more, one dish which we enjoy eating more. That dish satiates us instantly. It is like magic entering our system. It is like a dish is made for us and we are made to eat it.

I have a dress which fits me very well. It had been years but still, I don't want to give it away. The comfort feeling which that dress gives me is missing in the entire wardrobe I feel. That feeling is mutual. This happens with the cover sheets also which we having been using for years in case of some. Some people don't like to change cover sheets for there is a bond and sleep is most comfortable in it.

A friend of mine uses the same pair of high heels often despite having multiple pairs. She says those heels love her and keep her safe and comfortable. She too feels as if she's gliding through in those. Once I tried on those heels and found them so uncomfortable. I realized the comfort feeling is very individualistic.

There are some brand products which we are very reluctant to change. I am sure like me there may be many who are using ParleG, Parachute,Lux, Tajmahal for years. I many times feel that it is also a special comfort feel.We many times say unknowingly that we felt nostalgic.This feeling of nostalgia is evoked by this feeling of known and being owned.

An uncle never changed his car despite having enough resources. He said the car was too special to him. The Car was his companion for life. He maintained it till his old age.

Have you ever wondered why some people continue working with a particular company over decades. I guess it's because the company and employee are made for each other. The employee has understood what the company expects from him/her and the company understands the temperament, strength, weakness of the employee well. They go along well.

Change is the rule of nature. When everything around us is changing we may sometimes feel boggled down. At such times these made for each other feeling can effectively come to our rescue to make us comfortable and provide us known zone. This happens because energy of the known fills us with warmth and confidence that everything is and going to be fine. The feeling is special and necessary for bringing about a sense of security and peace.



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