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My Takeaways

New year is reminder to reflect upon past and select takeaways for coming years.The two important lessons I learnt in 2022 is to be non judgemental and having proper closures.

Over the years I realised that being emotional and impulsive have landed me in lot of tricky situations.Perspective is an important element that plays its part.What is wrong for me may not be so for the other person.And being judgemental at that time is of no use.Have to accept the differences and move ahead if I really value that relation .

Its much easy to say but if not done if results in unnecessary turmoil and friction.Good relations are ruined because of judgements.We unknowingly disturb the energies when we judge someone which in turn affects a lot of things happening around.Having a clean slate in every communication brings air of freshness and helps in nourishing the connection. People carry our images based on the way we have dealt a particular situation. So we need to respect that perspective and be still objective in life.

Another one is if I'm not able to continue any association or relation I need to communicate that properly and try to reconcile otherwise close the chapter amicably.

Sometimes we may have differences, disappointments and we tend to avoid the person or situation in anticipation of peace and automatic resolution.We feel that time may set right everything.But disconnecting without proper communication gives room for a lot of misunderstanding and negative vibes.Instead facing and accepting the situation and having an open discussion can lead to a peaceful closure.Imagine the house is in mess at night and you decide to sleep without cleaning it.There is a discomfort at back of mind and mornings become more troublesome. Similar is the case here.

Positivity plays a very important role in our life.Being non judgemental and having proper closures can keep our mind clean and clear, to be able to experience and enjoy this life as is.


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