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As the soan cake melted in mouth I realised we always love sweets which melt it icecreams,pedha,halwa or a world of instant noodles even relishing sweets is fast affair.

We need everything fast these days.The golden word patience is losing and anxiety creeping in.

Kids wish to learn everything fast .It may be an instrument or an art form or sport.Many of them don't wish to practice and have a rush to perform.Proper time and practice is essential is ignore by many parents who themselves are engulfed by FOMO.

At workplace most of the people wish to climb success ladder fast.Success in terms of position ,money or role and hence attrition is more.People keep on leaving old pastures to progress and earn more quickly. At times it creates a lot of mental and emotional stress which is definitely harmful in long run for physical and mental well being.

Even for relaxing,people are in a rush.Look around and people are seen ticking off destination list but are they really exploring, enjoying and relaxing is a big question or it is just a travel list to be ticked.

There is a constant rush for things in life.The natural flow is being disrupted by societal pressures most of the times .This is not restricted to materialistic things only.

Friendship ,Love,forgiveness all take time..But these days everything is fast and people have started losing patience to wait and be persistent.Relationships (make and break) is quick phenomeneon these days.Even a slight delay disturbs us and here our practice to keep patience plays a significant role.If someone leaves us on read we may feel sad, angry or frustrated.We may wait for reply or simply be angry . At times we have to be empathetic or learn to just ignore and move forward.

Came across a very nice explanation that everything falls in place at the right time ..we just need to keep patience and keep on doing our bit..But do we really keep patience and let not anxiety disturb us is matter of deep consideration.

Exercising patience needs practice. It is like driving a car on crowded road where nothing much is in our hands but to keep calm and focus.Patience is a virtue essential for peaceful and happy life.All good things take time and we need to focus on efforts.Outcome would come automatically and we need to believe this wholeheartedly!



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