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Plant Story

For many years we wished to have a small group of plants at home. Having spent childhood in a house with a courtyard always, we are used to see many plants and trees around. But after shifting to Mumbai realized that we have to manage in a small balcony which is a storage cum drying space cum space for plant pots too. So kept postponing the plan until this Diwali when my sister who has created a beautiful garden at home gifted me a few plants with cute pots, to begin with.

From the day these small saplings came, we all became so happy and excited like welcoming new babies at home. We started watering them and doing basic required activities regularly. Over time we realized that it's just not about watering or putting good soil, manure, or pesticide spray but it is more about being sensitive and listening, and understanding what they need.

The winter was very harsh this time and all leaves started looking pale. Tulsi particularly looked very dull so we moved her a little away from her regular spot. After 2 -3 days she started stooping low and looking very dull. She appeared actually sad. My sister then informed me that she doesn't like being alone and loves to be in company. We immediately shifted her back to her position and yay! She gained her charm in a few days looking green again.

The desi rose plant came with 2 flowers and for 10 days the flowers stayed intact with no signs of drying of or withering off. The plant refused to grow with no new leaves or signs of new bud. My mother listened to my concern and advised me that this desi variety needs strong Sunlight. It sustains only in dry weather and I removed it from the shade. Now small leaves have started coming up.

Hibiscus plant came with a lot of buds. Initially, they bloomed beautifully. But then some unusual thing happened and plant buds started becoming black. I got worried.It was depressing to see so small innocent buds turning black and dying eventually without blooming. After keeping a strict vigil we came to know that sparrows came and destroyed it with their beaks. This is something we had never seen or heard. So it was time to keep them at bay. Sparrows are so small and flexible that even bird net fails to hold them back. So we started searching for another solution. The scarecrow fell down on day one itself. We then wrapped each blooming bud with a plastic sheet with holes and tied a thread to hold it. Once it became big enough we removed the cover and yes the trick started working. These all activities have become a part of our routine now.

A little more care and caution have helped the Hibiscus plant to stand strong and grow. It is blooming. Isn't this similar to our life too? All human beings are not strong. Some do need extra care and affection to sustain and grow. A little more affection and understanding can help these sensitive minds to rise strongly instead of getting depressed and being vulnerable. We can never judge as each situation and circumstance is unique .

These few plants have made me realize that all living beings need someone to listen to. Listen to what they need, what is bothering them, what is more, suitable and soothing for them. These flowering plants make me realize the power of giving. They give away flowers so happily. They are happy in giving and keep on blooming. The more we offer the more we prosper is true.

Give me some soil, give me some water,

Give me some light, I am here to grow and shine bright,

My tender green leaves and brown stems grow tall,

Beautiful colorful flowers bloom from buds small,

We are a replica of the world in a way,

Listen with an open, loving mind what we have to say,

When cared for we thrive,

Otherwise, it is a daily struggle to survive,

Love and attention is all we need,

We are ready to offer happily all fruits and flowers growing from a small seed!!



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