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"Alexa, What is your purpose in life?" I asked casually and pat came the reply, "I was made to play music answer questions, and be useful".Omg! absolute clarity.

It has been two years since I read the book Ikigai which is everything about finding your true calling in life. I have been trying to figure out every day what makes me truly happy and fulfilled. Is what I am doing aligned with what I really want in life? Is finding a purpose so easy and straightforward?

I know a person who runs a charitable organization for managing old-age homes. The joy on people's faces when he and his team is spending time with the elderly and bedridden is something that says it all. My sister recently joined an NGO working for suicide survivors or rehabilitating those who have suicidal thoughts. There she came across youngsters who have given up on their family business or flourishing corporate careers for comforting troubled souls. Examples like Sindhutai Sapkal, Baba Amte, and Malala Yousafzai who were or are dedicated to a specific purpose do make us believe that we are born for something special. Finding a purpose in life is like someone striking gold. Some find it early while some spend their entire lives not finding or completely unaware of something called purpose. For some, it is a process while some stumble upon it accidentally. Having all combinations set like loving what you do, feeling fulfilled, and earning through whatever you really like or love to do is not always easy. In fact, many times what we love to do has no connection with our livelihood, and whatever we are actually doing doesn't satiate our hearts.

This year 25-year-old winner of 3 Grand slam single titles Tennis World No. 1 Ashleigh Barty announced her retirement shocking the tennis world with her sudden decision. Barty has been the reigning world number one for more than two years. Imagine someone putting so much hard work to get whatever she achieved and then giving up because she had nothing more to offer and wished to pursue her other dreams. Was the game not her calling wherein she had excelled so much? A homemaker or a breadwinner of the house who just wish to keep their family happy, healthy and comfortable have found their purpose if they love and are truly happy in doing so throughout their lifetimes.

I had secured a rank in my secondary school board exam and could easily get admission to one of the top science colleges to become a doctor or engineer. But the problem was I loved maths and hated physics. Loved chemistry and feared the dissection of animals. Loved geography but it had no future as per my limited knowledge. So just to avoid the science and arts stream I opted for commerce and went on to become a chartered accountant. But was it my calling? Post-qualification I was clueless about what I wanted to do with my degree and qualification. I had no defined plan and I just went with the flow. I did whatever I liked and managed to earn decently. I have loved and enjoyed my work. But a sense of fulfillment was missing. Does qualification decide your purpose? I had loved writing as a teenager. So one day I took up writing and then it became an integral part of my life. I write what just comes to my mind. Being an introvert writing has helped me pour out my emotions without inhibitions and freely. I am happy that this is one space where I am under no obligation to comply with something or fulfill someone's expectation in return for something. This freedom and expression have become my tonic and yes source of pure joy. But does it mean I have found my calling?

On deep thought, I have come to realize that purpose need not be static. It is possible that at different points in time we are looking for different things in life. We want to explore, we want to experience. What excites and makes us happy today may become irrelevant tomorrow. But important is that is it making our souls peaceful and eternally joyful in this very moment. Is it helping us to grow as an individual and rise above materialistic pleasures? Most of the time purpose is something that is capable of bringing about a change even if small in our lives and the lives of people around us. It is about spreading love and gifting a smile. It is about empowering and enlightening like a teacher, scientist, or spiritual leader. Something which shall make us understand the

reason for coming here and create something that shall remain here (maybe even good memories) after we leave but again nothing is defined and it is very personal and individualistic. There is nothing small or big, right or wrong. And the day we stumble upon something we can pursue for life we have found our blessing. Till then it's a process and we need to enjoy it wholeheartedly.

हम सिर्फ एक बार जीते हैं, एक बार मरते हैं,

हर दिन, हर पल एक ही बार आता हैं,

पिक्चर बाकी हैं तो रोल ढूंढ़लो,

करो ऐसा की रूह छूलो,

ऐसे जीयो की याद रहे लम्हे,

रहे ना कोई शिकवा जब सांस थमे।



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