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Rad not Rebel

Today my 19 year old niece surprised me with a buzz cut.She has been contemplating to do it for sometime and I thought it was just a crazy thought and she would be dissuaded. But when she took the step I felt nothing but just proud.

In last six months staying in a hostel has really strengthened her. It is just not about taking an unusual step but being sure about what she wants and taking responsibility for decision. My sister explained her the consequences and she was absolutely fine with it . She took an informed decision.

I feel this kind of confidence is real strength in life. To take charge ,own decisions and responsibility for outcomes.

From childhood we are so tuned to listen to our parents and elders that at a point it starts creating a comfort zone in dependency.Also we are trained to align with societal norms keeping aside our preferences on many occasions for happiness and wellbeing of all.

Life can never be experienced and enjoyed completely staying in comfort zone. At some point we need to be independent and take charge without being rude or disrespectful.

What amuses me is the gen z confidence and clarity.They know what they want in life and how to get it.When I see my niece today I feel this is the way by which each moment can be lived in true sense.There will be nothing to regret as oh I should have tried this out.

In worrying about response and reactions from people around us we tend to miss on some important moments in life.But if we believe in freely grabbing the opportunity life throws at us we can be more confident and aware about the implications .It is not about being a rebel not confirming to societal norms or being selfish but doing what is right for ourself and what makes us happy is also very critical. We can radiate joy and happiness when we are free and happy inside.

Spreading my wings to fly,

I shall never be shy,

Happy soul I shall be,

Vibrant ,colourful and free.



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