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Raksha Bandhan - Celebrating the Bond

A famous sweet and savory manufacturer has made a social media campaign for Raksha Bandhan this year applauding all nurses for being sisters in the real sense during the pandemic. A residential society celebrates Raksha Bandhan by gifting and appreciating the work of the entire security and housekeeping staff. They work round the clock to keep society safe, secure, and clean.

"From this year my daughters are going to tie rakhi to each other".One of my friends told me this while conversing recently. She has two daughters and her logic is that they both will be each other's support system throughout life and Raksha Bandhan is meant to celebrate the same.I could not agree more. I have seen my elder sister caring for me like my parents and being such strong support in all situations. Why not celebrate this bonding too.

There are many mythological stories about Raksha Bandhan. The famous being Drapaudi and Lord Krishna.Time immortal this festival has been associated with brother being a protector and sister tying rakhi with this anticipation and praying for well being of the brother. But time has changed drastically.

With the two or single kid concept, it is not necessary that everyone will have a brother or sister. Then does this festival become irrelevant or less important for them? Does a brother being a protector or supporter concept completely relevant today?

What do we as human beings need really in life? We seek any relation for sharing, caring, and supporting. Real support and care in difficult times can come in any form. It may not necessarily be our companion or brother or sister.

When my husband was home quarantined for covid, I got immense mental and emotional support from people around who are not connected by blood or by relation but they just care and are concerned on normal humanitarian grounds. One instance is of a medical shop owner whom I have never seen till date but who supplied all medicines on call. When some medicines were not available he ensured to procure them and make them available. One day we discussed the problems I was facing and he offered some very practical solutions concerning lab tests, medical consultations. He took out time to listen to my worry and my desperation. He was aware of the experiences of so many patients around and he cared to share them to make some positive difference.

One couple I know rushed to the hospital to donate plasma to some unknown person just to help him come out of a life-threatening condition.

Isn't supporting in crucial time the most important foundation for any long-term connection.

One of my friends who was suffering from depression because of marital discord could not share anything with her old parents. She could not even share with her friends for the fear of being judged. At that time a neighbor who observed her regularly connected with her with extreme care and compassion. Resultantly she was able to confide in her. Just talking and sharing helped her a lot to heal and find out some reasonable situations. She came out of an intoxicating vicious circle of continuous negative thoughts.

A young boy helps an elderly couple in his society by bringing in weekly groceries, medicines, and veggies. Their son stays abroad and they are too tired to go out regularly. This young boy does this just out of concern without any expectation. I know of a person socially well known, who makes sure to leave no stone unturned to help people approaching him to find jobs or a source of livelihood.

Aren't these kinds of gestures and support, symbols of genuine care and compassion.

We celebrate friendship day, fathers day, mothers day but how about celebrating these bonds created out of pure concern who protect from demons of loneliness, depression, frustration, anxiety, and insecurity. I feel Raksha Bandhan is an apt occasion to celebrate all people and connections in our life who at some point has stood with us or contributed emotionally, physically, financially to ease out our journey or who have loved us just unconditionally.

More than protection we need the assurance these days that we have someone who really wishes to listen to us, who is really bothered. A small assurance or expression, "Don't worry everything is going to be fine", or "keep smiling it matters", "take care to be healthy your wellbeing is precious", "I'm with you, we will overcome this together", can mean a lot to someone at some point of life.

This day can surely be a great reason to celebrate the bonds and values which make human beings more humane.

Happy bonding!!



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