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The thirsty crow is probably the first story many of us have learned in kindergarten. The water is at the bottom of the pot and the parched crow is unable to drink it. So it puts pebbles and water comes up. He drinks the water and satiates his thirst. Finding a way out is one of the primary lessons we are being taught.

Lifes problems and situations are not so straightforward or simple but for every tricky situation, there is a solution for sure. The pandemic has made this more than clear that in life nothing stops. Who had imagined that we could manage so well at home through online shopping, consultations, machines, and apps? But the situation came and we all aligned ourselves. When the question is of survival, discoveries and inventions are inevitable. Vaccines got developed in such a short period and they indeed helped in saving so many lives. A cloth shopowner watching the declining footfall during the pandemic got associated with a covid special hospital and daily supplied disposable clothes and linens to the patients. In this way, he ensured his revenue dint decline and he could contribute to the social cause too. Street vendors who couldn't read or write shifted to online ordering and payments. Food joints instantly tied up with delivery agencies for home deliveries and ensured that the kitchen keeps on operating.

I remember coming across an instance long back. A lady was desirous of starting her own venture but had no capital, to begin with. Every time she visited the tailor's place she saw remains of cut cloth lying here and there in the shop. On inquiry, she found that tailor was willing to give it all away for free as she was his old customer. She started collecting the same and making rugs out of those scrap fabrics. Her creativity paid off and she started receiving orders from friends and family. Over a period she was able to return the favor of the tailor and also collect some initial capital for her textile venture.

We need to have a positive and open mindset and believe that everything will fall in place, and change how we have been thinking or behaving. We need to be a little creative and aware. Flexibility is an essential element of a good life. When we are adamant about a particular way many times we shall feel stuck. We need to mould ourselves as per circumstances. Our Ultimate vision and goal can be achieved in more than one way and that's the crux of all.



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