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Sab Acha Hoga

I have always been Yash Raj movies and a Shahrukh khan fan. So, one of my cherished dreams since childhood was to visit snow-clad mountains in Switzerland. Two years back finally we decided to fulfill that dream. We had our VISA interview exactly one month prior to the date of the trip. It went smoothly and the very next day I slipped on the kitchen floor. I was rushed to the hospital in extreme pain just to know that my left shoulder had a fracture. All my childhood dreams seemed to crash when the doctor said it’s a fracture. I could not control my tears. It was the pain of a fractured shoulder or the pain of a Switzerland trip getting cancelled I was unable to decide. My hubby was calm and asked me to relax and just focus on pain and recovery. We still had a month. The very next day my parents arrived. It was a day when my doctor, physiotherapist cum friend, mentor, parents, hubby, and our Lil kiddo assured me all will be fine. They all instilled the hope that if I keep my willpower strong and focus on recovering well Switzerland was still calling. And guess what exactly one month after I was on a flight to Zurich. With a hand-in sling, I not only visited snow-clad mountains but had a shoot-in saree too. Yes, there were painful moments but just the reminder Sab Acha Hoga and support of all made me confident and strong enough to fulfill my dream.

So recently when hubby got covid the same assurance worked wonders. Some days were critical but this feeling helped to keep the spirit positive and do whatever was necessary and focus on action rather than tension. All well-wishers kept on calling and assuring. Everyone's prayers helped to keep the positive spirit high. The recovery process is slow but we need to keep patience and an optimistic attitude is one lesson I learned. Also, one more discovery for me in this process was that positivity actually helps to strengthen our immunity system. So do doctors also prescribe to watch good humour shows, talk to friends and family, listen to happy songs.

Friends this time is tough for all. Many have lost their dear ones. Many have lost their livelihood. There have been pay cuts. People have to shift to home towns to cut down expenses. The transition has not been easy. Business houses have taken a hit. People are forced to be at home. Many have not been able to visit their parents. Working without househelps has exhausted many. Children are irritated, The list of problems and difficulties continues. All this is bound to take a toll on emotional wellbeing. There are moments of depression and fatigue. Uncertainty seems to hover over.

Positivity and optimism are pillars of a good healthy mind and happy life. Life may seem to be difficult at this point but time doesn't stop and this too shall pass. I recently came across a video titled Can Wolves change the direction of the river. It sounds impossible but yes, they can. If we study history those who made it through critical times were those who kept patience and kept trying. Those who never let hope die. Humanity has survived through a world war, Holocaust, Spanish flu, nuclear bombings. These were extremely terrifying events but still, human beings survived.

We as human beings can change whatever situation we are going through. We are a part of a great historical event. Nobody ever imagined this in the wildest of dreams. But if we all collectively keep up the positive vibrations, we will be able to change the course of events. Need is just to unite with extreme optimism. Just keep reminding that everything will be fine soon. Let's support and cooperate with each other in whatever way. Let's spread happiness and love. Give a call to all near and dear ones and make everyone feel being cared for. Spreading a smile is essential than adding to the anxiety. Prayers work wonders. In the end everything is a play of energies. There has been an imbalance is clear and with optimism, we can bring about a change to rectify. Miracles happen when we believe in them.

सब कुछ अच्छा होगा,रखे हम विश्वास ,

पूरी दुनियां की नीव हैं बस एक आस |



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