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The most awkward moment of the day these days is the time when I leave the office and security guards in our premises offer a salute.

My earliest memories of salute are in school during a parade or during flag hoisting wherein we used to take so much pride in offering the same. It was meant to show respect to the flag or dignitaries who graced Republic Day celebrations and Independence day celebrations with their presence and some great address to all. It was so much enjoyed. The salute was always meant to recognize and appreciate the efforts and the success. This was in school. But outside there was a different meaning to it. Doorkeepers at shops, restaurants, and Father's office used to offer a salute. But at that time I felt it was a part of their duty and this is a standard protocol. Over the years I realized that this second type of salute is for social status, for satisfying our false ego and then this feeling of discomfort crept in and has gone increasing. In History, the modern-day salute system seems to have originated in western countries in the 18th century. Here in India, there was a system of bowing before rulers and their appointed ministers. After Independence too unfortunately this system stayed.

People in the armed forces are used to saluting their seniors. This is their way of showing respect for the position and achievements. But what have the majority of us as common people done so remarkable that we should take this as a privilege? What is surprising and sad is that many people feel glad to take this salute and if not offered they feel a little offended too. I feel truly bad for the people who day long are standing safeguarding and still provide this salute. They do their duty sincerely and attentively and that is what should be ideally expected from these people. I often wonder how I can discourage them. I wish them and enquire about their wellbeing and work occasionally. In our residential complex on important festivals sweets are distributed to all in a proper formal manner and they feel so happy with the warmth. Shouldn't our values, character, and work achievements demand respect and salute rather than our material possessions and social status. I genuinely feel this system needs to be discouraged and over a period needs to disappear absolutely. People should work sincerely and be good human beings and that should what really matter to us at the end of the day!!



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