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World Saree Day

SAREE ..the six yards of sheer elegance has always attracted me. In January, this year I decided that I would try to wear saree as and when possible.I always used to be little anxious while draping and carrying it for hours at office or family functions earlier but the grace was surely unmatched.

So come 2023, to overcome the inhibitions, I enthusiastically decided and declared that all the saree collection of mine would be shown light.For years sarees have been a part of wardrobe and it was a small world waiting to be explored. After wearing sarees of different textures for different occasions and at different places,I have come to realise the warmth with which it engulfs us and the feeling of being cared for like a mother or grandmother comes naturally with the saree. It is an emotion,a feeling beyond words.

The best part is the variety of textures and designs available to suit each occasion,season and pocket too.The range we get in sarees is unmatched if compared to any other attire.

Sarees are eco freindly and promote sustainability.Sarees last for longer time ,their life can span over several years if kept properly.. They can be transformed to dress,ghagras,kurtis ,bags ,bedcovers and so on.There are sarees which are passed on from generation to generation. My mother has treasured a few of her mother's sarees a symbol of love and connection.Whenever me and my sister visit parents home, we love to delve into our mothers wardrobe to checkout her latest saree collection and always lay our hands on a few for sure.

Sarees are a symbol of our rich heritage, our culture and at the time same can be very well blended to give a modern look.For instance wearing crop tops instead of traditional blouse,wearing modern designs with different draping styles. . Every Saree is different and is an interesting subject matter of study for sure.

Silk and cotton have always been my favourite and I also feel its a a small way of supporting our weavers who have been striving to carry forward rich lineage even if not viable in the competitive age.

Today on 21st December, we saree lovers celebrate World Saree Day and as the year comes to an end I feel I have missed on wearing still some of my favourites and look forward to adding some more to my collection in times to come😊

सुंदर सुशील सुसंस्कृत अशी ही साड़ी ,

प्रेम आणि उबाने भरलेली सवंगडी,

स्वतःच्या कुशीत घेऊन रीतसर,

सोयीस्कर नेहमीच बाहेर किंवा असो घर.

कल्पकता आणि रंगांचा एक वेगळे विश्व आहे साड़ी ,

ती मजा औरच जेव्हा मोडते तिची नवीन घडी,

इतक्या तर्‍हा, इतके पोत,

सिल्क, कॉटन, जॉर्जेट,क्रेप,

विविध तर्‍हेने करा ड्रेप,

प्रत्येक प्रसंगानुसार वेगळी,

प्रत्येक साडी जवळ असते गोष्ट निराळी.

आई मावशी आजी आत्या,

त्यांची साडी,आठवण त्यांची आणि त्यांच्या गप्पा,

मायेचा ठेवा साडी एक निमित्त,

अनुभव शब्दांत ना होऊ शकणारा व्यक्त,

नेऊ पुढे आपली संस्कृति आणि कला,

सख्ख्यांनो नेसू या साड्या चला.


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