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Colours and people as mentioned in an earlier post have a special connection in my life. Until recently I believed that there are two categories of people- Good and bad in this world. Consciously unconsciously all people I met were classified. Good was associated with white colour, the colour of purity and transparency. People who hurt me or who dint give positive vibes because of traits like jealousy, hatred, anger narrow mindedness reflected black colour. But as the ambit of the world increased I realised there was some fundamental mistake I was making as the majority dint fit in the white bracket permanently.

It was when my mentor advised me to accept everyone with an open mind and equal wow that I realised that yes I need to be open to thesis and antithesis for synthesis. Human beings with limited knowledge behave as per the circumstances they are put in. All people in this world including me have shades of both black and white in different proportions reflecting the shades of GREY.. a superb combination of white and black..

We are happy souls and want to be honest all the times. We wish to be loving caring and helping and make the world a better place.This is our white region.

But yes sometimes we too feel sad, angry,and knowingly unknowingly hurt people around .We are ambitious, we wish to be loved, and we have certain expectations. Our ignorance engulfs us making us feel anxious ,helpless,depressed..This is the black region.

Our ultimate life purpose is to widen the white region through knowledge and enlightenment wiping out the black ignorant self. We have to find our true self which is infact colourless and formless and this is just a step in that direction. Being joyful and blessed always.

Jai Shri Krishna !



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