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Every time I climb an escalator an awkward feeling engulfs me for a second. It is like leaving everything stable and just embarking on a new moving staircase. There is a feeling of losing control and then feeling stable again in a while. I know I can't be there standing for long and have no choice but to take that step even if I feel nervous for a while.

Isn't life the same sometimes? Recently I had to leave my comfort zone and it gave me the same uneasiness but this time for days together. I did not wish to pause and dint wish to move on. I craved for that cozy secured zone and never venture out. The known environment or our known people. We get mentally and emotionally habituated. But the only truth in life is that we have to move and accept the challenges life throws. The comfort feeling is cyclical and its duration unpredictable. At what moment you shall feel completely vulnerable nobody knows. But then if we are mentally prepared that life happens this way only we are better equipped to move on and take that new leap of faith. My 18-year-old niece is moving for higher studies to an altogether new city and would be staying on the college campus and she is so happy and cool. When I expressed my concerns she appeared so sorted and excited about her new life.Taking her own decisions and being responsible. Job change, house change, city change, or changes in relationships...change can be of any type but the anxiety of unknown and then everything falling in place is a fun game on a lighter note.Individuals indulging in Bungee jumping or skydiving may be experiencing the same feeling. Feeling vulnerable and then gaining that confidence that everything is fine and we are still alive and rocking adds to our strength and stability. It adds to our experiences and helps us grow as an individual for sure. We get to meet our new self time and again fixing shortcomings, overcoming fears, and being more ready to take on new challenges.

Feeling vulnerable also includes feeling alone. As on escalator our family members and friends follow us or are ahead of us but eventually meet so are the loved ones in life's journey. People who really stand by us and care for us shall be there around always. We just need to take our step on our own and everything else follows.



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